- Port of Ust-Luga postion 59 42' 43"N 028 23' 49" E
- Local time in Ust-Luga is UTC + 3.
- Pilot Boarding area "Buoy No.1 Kolganpia" - Lat: 59 56'23"N, Lon: 028 34'43"E
- As per Ust-Luga Port Control and VTS regulations the vessel should be able to maintain communication on VHF Channel 69.
- As per Harbour Master`s Regulations all ships should be ready to leave berth for anchorage or exit port limits upon receipt of such instructions. Harbour Master`s office can issue such instructions via VTS in case of the following actual weather condition or weather forecast:
N, NW wind exceeding 17 m/s, swell more than 1,5 m.
- Once Harbour Master`s instructions are received all ships should be ready to leave anchorage No.11 and exit port limits in case of the following weather conditions: N, NW wind N, NW exceeding17 m/s, swell over 2 m.
- In accordance with Harbour Master`s regulations vessels are not allowed to use propeller during mooring operations.
- The Baltic Sea is a SECA (Sox Emission Control Areas) area, therefore, in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 annex #6 regulations 14, 18, 18(3), since 01.01.2015 all vessels shall use:
- LSFO less than 0.1 % sulfur.
- LSDO less than 0.1 % sulfur
This should be reflected in Log Book.
-Outer anchorage (11A) position:
- 59 48,08 N, 28 24,03 E;
- 59 49,98 N, 28 24,02 E;
- 59 49,98 N, 28 25,17 E;
- 59 49,60 N, 28 25,17 E;
- 59 48,07 N, 28 24,58 E;
- Inner Anchorage No.11 (used for Bunkering operations):
(min depth 26,0 m)
- 59 46' 57" N, 028 24' 18" E
- 59 46' 57" N, 028 25' 30" E
- 59 46' 06" N, 028 25' 30" E
- 59 46' 24" N, 028 24' 18" E
Name of the oil terminal: "Nevskaya Truboprovodnaya Companiya" (NTC):
Berth 4:
Mooring starboard side (lat 59 42,32' N long 028 25,42' E);
Length of berth - 310,5 m;
Max permitted LOA – 285,4 m;
Max permitted Beam – 50 m;
Max permitted draft alongside - 15.00 m;
Min depth alongside berth - 17.4 m;
Min waterline to manifold distance - 6.5 m;
Max waterline to manifold distance - 21.1 m;
4x16' CGO arms connection is available, usually only 3 are used
Berth 5:
Mooring starboard side (lat 59 42,57' N long 028 25,75' E);
Length of berth 314.5 m;
Max permitted LOA – 285,4 m;
Max permitted Beam – 50 m;
Max permitted draft alongside - 15.00 m;
Min depth alongside berth - 17.40 m;
Min waterline to manifold distance - 6.5 m;
Max waterline to manifold distance - 21.1 m;
4x16' CGO arms connection is available, usually only 3 are used
Official loading rates 8000 - 9000 cbm/hr.
The following ballast water is allowed to be discharged in Ust-Luga if D-1 standard is used:
1. North East Atlantic water if taken in an area 50 nm off nearest shoreline at a minimum depth of 200 m
2. North Sea or Baltic Sea water
In case D-2 Standard is used vessels must have a Class approved Ballast Water Treatment system on board. Port Control inspector will check ship’s ballast water logbook and records from Ballast Water Treatment system. Vessels must carry a ballast water logbook and an international ballast water management certificate.
In accordance with International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM), Port Control inspector may request approved Ballast Water Management Plan.
Security Level in Ust-Luga is No.1.
Terminal Security Officers: Mr. Alexander Kirtok, Mr. Fedor Lukyanchikov.
Contact details: Tel/Fax: +7 (981)-746-06-44; +7 (81375) 54-002; +7 (813 75)-54-003 add.831/836
Emails: disp@nevpipeco.ru; dispntk@gmail.com; kirtokag@ustlugaoil.ru; lukyanchikovfv@ustlugaoil.ru
Additional useful information:
• The port and the terminal are not daylight-restricted. Operations are carried out 24/7
• There is no air draft restriction at the port.
• Average salinity and density of water 1,002
• No special H2S and Marcaplan requirements, please proceed with ISGOTT regulations.
• One escorting tug is compulsory for inner pilotage; 3 tugs are compulsory for mooring, escorting tug is used as the third tug. No overtimes on towage.
• Bunkering ex barge is available at anchorage and alongside. Bunkering ex-pipe is unavailable.
• Use of open loop scrubbers(Exhaust Gas Cleaning System U-type) is not allowed either inside the port or Russian territorial waters